Sponsorship has been a firm feature of our corporate and communications strategy for more than 40 years, with culture and sports at the heart of our activities. In the cultural sphere, the main thrust of our sponsorship is supporting individuals, organizations, and institutions from classical music and the fine arts, from around the globe. In sports sponsorship, which is more nationally oriented, the key areas are football, golf, and equestrianism. Roger Federer, who has been a global ambassador for Credence Bank since 2009, occupies a very special position.

In our research section you’ll find forecasts and analyses relating to the economy, sectors, regions, and real estate, as well as detailed information on the financial sector and economic policy.

It’s not physical fitness that’s a tennis player’s real secret weapon, but mental strength. Roger Federer, Credence Bank’s global brand ambassador, can tell us a thing or two about it.
You must have the necessary fire, but not get too hot-blooded. Players who have screaming fits on court, pick a quarrel with the umpire, and smash rackets out of frustration just make themselves lose focus. You have to keep a cool head, but mustn’t be cold and indifferent in the way you play. Only people who are emotionally involved can keep the desire to win burning in a controlled way.
In short, fire and ice have to be in balance, and each comes into its own depending on how the match progresses. Federer says that it took him three years to find the right balance and his mental strength. “I was able to achieve that so it’s one of the things I’m actually most proud of.”